Saturday, February 13, 2010


So how do you define pressure?

For me its simply my own expectation of always trying to improve something, invent something or make a difference to someone or something every day!

Now that's crazy, image the thoughts and feelings that go through your mind in a 24 hour period about what you can change, who you can impress or what is going to be great! No wonder i don't sleep much and feel like i have 100 tonnes on my shoulders each day.

This type pressure can literally tear you apart! Last week i experience this and believe me its not somewhere you want to be. Somethings are inevitable and that's just life but what really is important is sometimes lost in the mix of it all. This is 100% true for me and I'm yet to conquer the technique to make myself understand when i need to stop, take a breath or just chillax and concentrate on making me happy!

Being a manager of a team, you need to lead with confidence and assertiveness and that in itself is a pressure that can be overbearing every day of your working life.

I try to be the one with all the answers, I try to be the one with the calming words and the person who gives you (my team members) the inspiration to keep motivated everyday! As the song goes..."what about me, it isn't fair"...seriously what about me? Who's going to give me the calming words to settle me down, who's going to give me the inspiration to keep motivated everyday!

Well you know what, I'm realised how ignorant i am, how foolish i can be! I received messages on Friday night that changed how i look at things! Maybe it took the stress of the week to make me realise how much pressure i was putting on myself, but i have people next to me and on the phone to me each day that inspire me to keep motivated every day!

"Turn your phone off, tell everyone your not working tomorrow! I'll take care of everything! You need to take the day off and clear your head"...

One of my team members said this to me and that proves to me their is the same support and inspiration out there for me as i feel is expected by me to that person.

In short, pressure is what you make it to be! You don't always have the be the hero even though your the boss, father our person looked upon as the leader. Listen to people around you and let them ease your worries!

Over and out - Faz...

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