Saturday, February 13, 2010

The dreaded (or loved) No. 2's - Where to or not to let loose?

Its as natural as bee's making honey...its as natural as rain falling from the why do we get so nervous about where we are going to "drop the kids off at the pool"?

Myself well, im proud of what i can accomplish when im on the can! To some people that sounds disgustng, but to me its normal!

Its just like talking to your mates about sex or to your friends about how you look to cook! Why is talking about your number 2's any different (i can feel you all just wanting to comment on this post right now)...

Anyway back to the point of the post which is about "where or where not to do number 2's".

Well lets look at the facts:

1. Its obviously better for you to have it out instead of in!
2. If its in public, no one knows who you are and you will never see them again...
3. If its at a family members place, well your blood and its expected!
4. A a close friends place, then again they are like your family and have to expect it!
5. If its at a strangers place, well its a great way to break the ice!

Love your number 2's, cause if you don't who will!

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